“Helping farmers and other land stewards engage with the soil in ways that sequester atmospheric carbon while restoring healthy soils and ecosystems”


The Biochar Program

of the Olympic Carbon Fund

The Olympic Carbon Fund (OCF) is a local nonprofit organization focused on enhancing our region's resiliency in the face of climate change. It works with Olympic Biochar (OB) to reroute as much biochar as possible from the paper mill to local soils, particularly food-growing soils.

Food security is an important aspect of resiliency and is greatly enhanced when food growers incorporate biochar into the soil. Crops are better able to withstand both droughts and floods, less fertilizer is needed and less pest control required.

So OCF grants whole cubic yards of OB's biochar to small farms and large community gardens. When the Fund is flush, it will also grant totes for acreage in need of restoration.

Individual home gardens also play a role in food security. To serve individual homeowners, OCF has created the Bucket Share program, which allows gardeners to collect up to 10 or 15 gallons of biochar for their food gardening needs.            


For more information about the Olympic Carbon Fund and the Bucket Share program: www.olympiccarbonfund/biochar